Some stress is normal and even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. For example, it can help you win a race or finish an important job on time.

Extreme stress can affect your health in several ways. Some of the most frequent health complaints are headaches and stomach-aches, back pain, and trouble sleeping. Long-term stress can hurt your cardiovascular system and your immune system.

Stress can make you moody, tense, or depressed. Stress can affect your relationships and may cause problems at work or school.

It is normal to add stress in your life without even realizing it.

Some common stressors include:

Homework – If homework stresses you out, you might discover that you need extra tutoring so that you can understand the work better.

Electronics – Do you study with the TV on or your phone nearby? Ditch them to help you focus.

Schedule – If your schedule is frustrating or too busy, you may have to cut back or eliminate activities.

Work – If your part-time job is too much to handle, you may want to think about reducing your hours or quitting.

Relationship – such as having problems with your relationships or feeling a lack of friendships or support in your life

Nutrition –

Family – such as having a parent, or other family member who is under stress, or being a caregiver to a family member who is elderly or who has health problems

• Conflicts with your beliefs and values – for example, you may value family life, but you may not be able to spend as much time with your family as you want.

• Emotional problems – such as anger you can’t express, depression, grief, guilt, or low self-esteem.

There are many healthy ways to cope with stress:
• Exercise regularly
• Eat well
• Sleep well
• Meditation
• Yoga
• Reading
• Musical Instruments
• Art
• Warm shower/bath
• Listen to music
• Cooking/baking
• Nature
• Journaling
• Express your feelings
• Volunteer
• Laugh
• Positive self-talk

Top 10 Emergency Stress Stoppers:

• Count to 10 before you speak or react.
• Take a few slow, deep breaths until you feel your body un-clench a bit.
• Go for a walk, even if it’s just to the restroom and back. It can give you a chance to think things through.
• Try a quick meditation or prayer to get some perspective.
• If it’s not urgent, sleep on it and respond tomorrow. This works especially well for stressful emails and social media trolls.
• Walk away from the situation for a while and handle it later once things have calmed down.
• Break down big problems into smaller parts. Take one step at a time.
• Turn on some chill music or an inspirational podcast to help you deal with road rage.
• Take a break to pet the dog, hug a loved one or do something to help someone else.
• Work out or do something active. Exercise is a great antidote for stress